
Κiwi detox smoothie

Bikini season will start before you know… so be ready

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3 kiwis
100 gr. yogurt
1/2 cucumber
1 bunch fresh mint
4 ice cubes
honey or stevia (optional)

Κiwi detox smoothie, ακτινίδια, γιαούρτι, αγγούρι, φρέσκια μέντα, μέλι, στέβια, kiwis , yogurt , cucumber , mint , honey ,stevia , cool asrtisan, Γαβριήλ Νικολαίδης


Place all other ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth.

(*Note: if this is not sweet enough for you, you can adjust by adding honey or stevia)

Serve With Love

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Cool Artisan