
March 2020

Christmas reuse means that none of your favorite sweets will go to waste! Maybe you got bored eating the same sweet all those days, or maybe it just went stale, i found a way to tranform the christmas shortbread, the easter cake, the new years cake

Give a Christmas feeling in the kitchen of your house in the most elegant way using ornaments, mugs, coockie cutters or anything else imaginable! Hang small wreaths in each cupboard! Attach them with a red ribbon that will be attached with a pin internally to the

Christmas is not just one day! It's a feeling! An emotion that lasts for 2 months and becomes more intense with simple things, such as when you light up the lights on the christmas tree or when the smells from a christmas cakes fills your

Ten plus one recipes for sweet cakes for every taste! Here you will find a cake for you, whether you love chocolate, fruits, nuts or all

There may be no catwalks for food, but food bloggers, instagram and hip restaurants in major metropolises set trends

Thanks God, here it is again the season of fresh strawberries, the season of the queen of spring-time fruits! This is, of course, the best excuse to make the best strawberry desserts! Click on the photos to see the recipes! VEGAN CHOCOLATE, CASHEWS AND STRAWBERRIES BARS YOGURT CREAM

Cool Artisan