
How to make homemade matcha oats drink

We have written it before and we may write it again; summer is here to remind us that we have to take care of ourselves! Oats drink is a perfect, healthy, nutritious and light alternative to milk, not only if you suffer lactose intolerance, but also if you want to minimize the intake of animal origin foods, to detox and to bulletproof your body against illnesses. Today, in its classic homemade recipe I add an almost “magical” ingredient, Green Matcha Ninja Tea, that is going to make it taste delicious and to multiply its beneficial properties.

In China and Japan it is an integral part of their culture. In Europe it has come in recent years and it has been in Greece even more recently. It is one of the most beautiful gifts you can do to yourself.

Matcha Ninja has 12 times the nutritional values and up to 137 times the antioxidant properties of green tea! It is worth mentioning that a matcha ninja mug is equivalent to 10 cups of green tea in nutritional values and antioxidant properties. The secret lies in the fact that in Matcha it is actually consumed the whole tea leaf, while in plain green tea it is distilled from the boiled water.

In a nutshell the beneficial properties of Matcha Ninja are that it helps prevent cancer, it is the best source of anti-oxidants in nature, it improves the digestive function and it enhances the metabolism and it is a source of energy and concentration – it is considered the best substitute for coffee. Research has also shown that Matcha Ninja can have significant effects against depression and in the enhancement of well-being, while it delays skin aging and it fights diseases associated with aging and cell deterioration.

Find it on Facebook as Matcha Ninja Greece and on Instagram as

Today I use Matcha Ninja to make homemade oats drink.

Tip: In this recipe I mention the quantities of the ingredients in cups and not in grams (like I normally do) because this makes its preparation even more foolproof.


  • 1cup of oats
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  • 1 cup of warm water
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  • 3 cups of cold water
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  • 2 dries dates without pit
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  • 1 teaspoon of Matcha Ninja
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  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
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  • Extra sweetener -e.g. stevia, honey or anything else of your preference- for a more sweet flavour


  • Put the oats, the dates and the warm water inside a large bowl and let them stay for half an hour.
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  • Then, transfer them to a blender.
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  • Add the rest of the ingredients and blend for 2 minutes.
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  • If you want to add extra sweetener you may do it gradually to taste so you do not add too much.
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  • Optionally, you may strain the oats milk using a cheesecloth for a less creamy and more milk-like result.
Cool Artisan