
4 ingredients only fridge dessert recipe with Dulce de Leche

A foolproof to prepare chilled dessert that brings the summer season a little bit closer. To prepare it you only need four ingredients. Its preparation is super easy although it is time devouring until the condensed milk has turned to Dulce de Leche. A perfect idea is to try this recipe a Saturday morning while at the same time you do the rest of the house keeping: a portion of it when you have finished will be the greatest reward.

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  • 1 packet of biscuits Savoyard
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  • 1 dose of coffee for an espresso shot
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  • 400 g cream cheese
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  • 400 ml condensed milk


  • Simmer the can of the condensed milk without opening it inside a pot with boiling water for 3 hours, until it has caramelized and has turned to Dulce de Leche.
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  • Remove it from the pot and allow it to cool completely.
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  • Beat the Dulce de Leche with the cream cheese until the two ingredients are equally distributed.
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  • Coat the bottom of a glass baking dish with a layer of Savoyard biscuits.
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  • Prepare a single shot espresso.
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  • Coat the Savoyard biscuits with half of the cream.
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  • Repeat the procedure with the rest of the Savoyard biscuits and, using a pastry brush, soak them with the espresso coffee.
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  • Finish with the rest of the cream and transfer the glass baking dish to the fridge.
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  • Allow 3 hours to set.
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  • Optionally, garnish with chocolate flakes.
Cool Artisan